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Showing posts from October, 2013

Last Days by Adam Nevill - a few thoughts

I know I am probably the last person to discover it (and the author), but I was impressed by Adam Nevill's  Last Days. Certain sequences were genuinely creepy and I liked the main characters - normal guys you could believe in. I would say, however, that it needed to expose more back story as the plot progressed, rather than a big reveal that squeezed centuries worth of explanation into a few pages. I will definitely be reading more by Adam Nevill though, as there is enough good content - not least the excellent use of smell in creating the horror - to hint at great things to come from this British writer.

Found these while clearing out a cupboard...

Remember sending off for these beauties back in my teens. It was relaunched in the 80s as Halls of Horror which is how I discovered it.